Mom’s Corner: Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

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Welcome to Mom’s Corner, where we dive into topics that resonate with us as mothers, balancing the beautiful chaos of raising kids. Today, I want to talk about something that often slips to the bottom of our to-do lists—self-care. As mothers, we’re programmed to put our families first, but it’s crucial to remember that taking care of ourselves is not an act of selfishness; it’s a necessity.

The Misconception of Self-Care

Often, self-care is pictured as long, lazy days spent at the spa or an extravagant shopping spree. While these can be delightful ways to recharge, self-care is much more fundamental and accessible. It’s about making sure you’re mentally, physically, and emotionally well, so you can be the best version of yourself for the people you love.

The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

Self-care has a profound ripple effect on our families. When we’re overworked and under-rested, we’re more likely to be impatient, distracted, and emotionally unavailable. This state doesn’t just rob us of our joy but also affects the atmosphere of our entire home. By taking time to care for ourselves, we enhance our capacity to provide love, attention, and energy to our families. We set a powerful example for our children about the importance of health and well-being.

Simple Self-Care Strategies

1. Physical Activity: This doesn’t necessarily mean hours at the gym—take a brisk walk, stretch for 10 minutes after waking up, or have a dance party with your kids. Physical activity releases endorphins, which reduce stress and improve mood. Make sure you have a cute outfit while doing it. That always makes me feel better!

2. Quality Sleep: Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice, but it shouldn’t be. Quality sleep is critical to our health. Try to establish a calming bedtime routine and prioritize getting enough rest each night.

3. Nutritious Food: Eating well can be a challenge, especially with kids. But fueling your body with nutritious food is an essential part of self-care. Prep meals ahead to ease the stress of cooking or choose healthy snacks when you’re on the go.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Even five minutes of meditation or deep breathing each day can significantly reduce stress levels and improve your mental clarity.

5. Connecting with Friends: Motherhood can be isolating. Make time to connect with friends who uplift you. Even a quick chat can boost your spirits and remind you that you’re not alone in your journey.

Making Time for Self-Care

Finding time for self-care might feel impossible, but it’s about making the time. This might mean waking up 30 minutes earlier to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, delegating chores, or letting go of the need for everything to be perfect. Remember, your well-being is just as important as anyone else’s in your family.


Embracing self-care is essential for our well-being and happiness. It’s not about being the best; it’s about being your best. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to take care of those you love. Let’s set aside the guilt and embrace self-care as a vital part of motherhood. Our families will thank us for it.

I’d love to hear from you—how do you integrate self-care into your busy life? What challenges do you face in making time for yourself? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let’s continue to support and inspire each other in our journeys of self-care.

Serinna Alexander

With their unique blend of skills, experience, and perspectives, they form a dynamic tag team that is ready to take on the world. Mom brings her nurturing and caring nature, while Auntie adds her creativity and boldness to the mix. Together, they make a formidable pair, inspiring each other to push boundaries and reach new heights. Their shared values and vision drive them forward, as they combine their strengths to create a business that reflects their passion and dedication. With love and support for each other, they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with grace and determination. Mom and Auntie, a tag team like no other, ready to make their mark on the business world and beyond.

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