Potty Training Sterling: The Journey Continues

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Hello, dear readers! Today, I'm back with another update on our potty training adventure with Sterling. If you've been following our journey, you know it's been a mix of triumphs and challenges. As we navigate this crucial developmental milestone, I wanted to share our progress, the hurdles we've encountered, and some tips that might help other parents in the same boat.

Celebrating the Wins

Let's start with the good news! Sterling has made some fantastic progress since our last update. He's now consistently recognizing when he needs to go during the day and is getting better at communicating that in time. We've gone several days in a row without any accidents, which feels like a huge victory!

One thing that really seems to be working for us is a reward system. Every time Sterling successfully uses the potty, he gets to put a sticker on his chart. Once he collects ten stickers, he earns a small reward. It's been a great motivator for him and makes each success fun and exciting.

Facing the Setbacks

Of course, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. We've had our share of setbacks, especially during nap times and nighttime. Sterling is still struggling with staying dry throughout his sleep. We're using waterproof mattress covers and keeping a close eye on his fluid intake before bed, but it's definitely a work in progress.

Another challenge has been outings and longer trips away from home. Ensuring we have access to restrooms and managing the occasional accident in public has been a learning curve for both Sterling and us. We're getting better at planning ahead and packing a potty training travel kit with extra clothes, wipes, and portable potty seats.

What's Helping Us

Here are a few things that have been incredibly helpful in our potty training journey:

  1. Consistency and Routine: Keeping Sterling on a regular bathroom schedule has minimized accidents and helped him build confidence.

  2. Open Communication: We talk openly about using the potty, which helps normalize the process and makes Sterling feel more comfortable discussing his needs.

  3. Patience and Encouragement: Every child's journey is different, and showing patience and offering encouragement has been key. Celebrating the small successes keeps us all motivated.

Looking Ahead

As we continue this journey, our focus is on supporting Sterling through the nighttime challenges and preparing him for the upcoming preschool year. We're learning every day and adapting our strategies as needed.

I hope sharing our story can offer some support and encouragement to other parents out there. Potty training is not always easy, but it's a journey filled with valuable learning experiences for both children and parents.

Feel free to share your own stories or tips in the comments below. It's always great to hear from others and build a community of support. Here's to more dry days and successful potty trips!

Serinna Alexander

With their unique blend of skills, experience, and perspectives, they form a dynamic tag team that is ready to take on the world. Mom brings her nurturing and caring nature, while Auntie adds her creativity and boldness to the mix. Together, they make a formidable pair, inspiring each other to push boundaries and reach new heights. Their shared values and vision drive them forward, as they combine their strengths to create a business that reflects their passion and dedication. With love and support for each other, they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with grace and determination. Mom and Auntie, a tag team like no other, ready to make their mark on the business world and beyond.


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