Navigating Teenhood: Allowing Sorelle Limited Access to Social Media

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Welcome back to our series on navigating teen hood, where we delve into the joys and challenges of raising a teenager. Today, we're discussing a topic that's become increasingly prevalent in modern parenting: social media.

The Dilemma

As Sorelle enters her teenage years, she's naturally becoming more interested in social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. It's a common trend among her peers, and she's eager to join the digital conversation.

As parents, my partner and I understand the allure of social media and the role it plays in teenage socialization. However, we're also keenly aware of the potential pitfalls—from cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content to the impact on mental health and self-esteem.

Our Approach

After much discussion and consideration, we've decided to allow Sorelle limited access to social media, with strict guidelines in place. Here's how we're navigating this new territory:

1. Setting Clear Boundaries

We've established clear rules around Sorelle's social media usage, including designated screen time limits, specific platforms she's allowed to use, and guidelines for appropriate content and behavior online.

2. Open Communication

We've initiated open and honest conversations with Sorelle about the pros and cons of social media. We've discussed privacy settings, the importance of thinking critically about what she sees and shares online, and how to handle challenging situations like cyberbullying.

3. Monitoring and Supervision

While we respect Sorelle's privacy, we also recognize the need for parental oversight. We regularly check in on her social media accounts, review her friend lists and followers, and discuss any concerns or issues that arise.

4. Leading by Example

We believe in modeling healthy digital habits ourselves. By demonstrating responsible social media use and prioritizing face-to-face interactions and real-life connections, we hope to instill similar values in Sorelle.

The Benefits

While navigating social media with a teenager can be daunting, we've already seen some positive outcomes from our approach:

  • Increased Responsibility: Sorelle has shown maturity and responsibility in managing her social media accounts within the established boundaries.

  • Enhanced Communication: Our open dialogue about social media has strengthened our relationship with Sorelle, fostering trust and understanding between us.

  • Digital Literacy: Sorelle is developing critical thinking skills and digital literacy, learning to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.


Navigating social media with a teenager requires a delicate balance of trust, guidance, and communication. While we recognize the potential risks, we also believe in empowering Sorelle to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and integrity.

As parents, our role is to provide support, guidance, and a safe space for Sorelle to explore and learn. By approaching social media with intentionality and mindfulness, we're hopeful that Sorelle will develop healthy digital habits that serve her well in adolescence and beyond.

Serinna Alexander

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