Auntie Talk: Sister, Sister

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Sisters are unsung heroes.

I know a lot of times; your sister can be your worst enemy. She may not help when you need her too. She may not stand up for you, or even see your side of the story or situation. And to be fair no one can get under your skin like your sister. They can be bossy, judgmental , and just mean sometimes.  My mom always used to tell me and my sister, that we are all we got. I personally never understood that until I got older.

Growing up Serinna and I weren't all that close, the age difference made a huge impact on our relationship. We had different interest...

She's the oldest, so obviously she was allowed to do things I wasn't allowed to do. And the things I could do, she wasn't all that interested. So, it just caused friction between us... But even still I LOVED MY SISTER! I wanted to be her! I was even willing to just sleep on the floor next to her bed. 

Time, and life can pull people apart. Sadly, that happened to us. She made some decisions in life that I didn't agree with, and it caused us to fall apart and fall away from each other. Years went by before we really started to talk and repair our relationship.

Now, I can't see life without her for so many reasons. She's become more than a sister to me, somehow the title "best friend" just doesn't do it justice. It's so much more! 

No doubt navigating friendships is hard, figuring out what to do with my life, figuring out and understanding dating and married life. Life events are hard to navigate if you don't have someone there to help. My sister has been there for me. I can't tell you how often I have gone to her for advice or input. To be fair, I'd ask for help, but didn't like what she had to say. Because she was right 9/10 times, go figure! 

I'm thankful.. Not everyone has that. I don't feel better about a situation until she and I have talked about it. I think she has missed her calling as a life coach or family therapist.  Even when she herself is dealing with something she puts others needs ahead of her own

Let's face it, adulting sucks. And even more so if you don't have someone in your corner. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for my friend(s), and my family, mainly, "The Cousins", they contribute too. But there is nothing, in my opinion, like having your big sis!

So shoutout to my big sister, I can only hope, no...I can only pray that in some way i can be there for you, as you are for me. I love ya girl, you truly are my hero!


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