Potty Training Sterling: Our Adventures in #ToddlerLife

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Welcome to our Blog. My name is Serinna, and we are gearing up for one of the most anticipated milestones in any parent's journey with a toddler—potty training. For those of you at this same stage, you know it’s not for the faint of heart! Today, I want to share the ups and downs of potty training of my little Sterling, complete with the messy moments and triumphant successes….KINDA…HAHA

Preparing for Takeoff

Sterling just turned two, and armed with endless advice from fellow mom friends and several parenting books, we decided it was time to embark on our potty training adventure. We started by choosing a weekend with no other plans—clearing our schedule to focus entirely on this big transition was crucial.

We equipped ourselves with a potty that Sterling helped pick out, plenty of training pants, and a stack of his favorite books to make sitting on the potty more appealing. We were set... or so we thought.

Day 1: The Enthusiasm

Sterling was initially excited about his new potty, intrigued by its bright colors and the idea that he was doing something "big." We read through a couple of potty-themed children's books, and he loved the idea of becoming a "big kid." That first morning, we celebrated the smallest victory—just sitting on the potty!

Day 2: The Reality Check

As the novelty wore off, so did Sterling’s interest in the potty. The second day involved more accidents than actual potty use. We learned quickly that patience was our best friend, and so were quick clean-up supplies. It was a day filled with gentle reminders and showing lots of excitement every time he even thought about using the potty.

Day 3: The Breakthrough

By the third day, we noticed a shift. Perhaps it was the consistent trips to the potty or the reward chart that featured stickers for every success, but Sterling started to get the hang of it. We celebrated his first full pee in the potty with so much enthusiasm you would have thought we won the lottery! It was a messy journey, but seeing him proud of his achievement was worth every second.

Tips and Tricks

Based on our experience, here are a few tips for those about to embark on the potty training journey:

  • Stay Positive: Your toddler will pick up on your emotions, so try to keep things light and positive, even when it’s the fifth accident of the day.

  • Be Consistent: Regular reminders and opportunities to use the potty help make the process smoother.

  • Rewards Work Wonders: A simple sticker chart or a little dance after each success can make a huge difference in keeping them motivated.

  • It’s Not a Race: Every child is different, and potty training is not something to rush. Sterling showed us that sticking to his pace was key to our success.

Final Thoughts

Potty training Sterling taught us a lot about patience, readiness, and celebrating small victories. Remember, it’s okay if your potty training journey doesn’t go exactly as planned. Each mishap is just a stepping stone to success. For those in the thick of #toddlerlife and potty training, hang in there—you’ve got this!

I’d love to hear your potty training stories! What worked for you? Share in the comments below or drop us a message. Here’s to more dry days and successful potty trips!

Happy potty training!

This blog post provides an honest and encouraging perspective on the potty training process, offering practical tips and personal experiences to help other parents navigate this challenging but rewarding milestone.

Serinna Alexander

With their unique blend of skills, experience, and perspectives, they form a dynamic tag team that is ready to take on the world. Mom brings her nurturing and caring nature, while Auntie adds her creativity and boldness to the mix. Together, they make a formidable pair, inspiring each other to push boundaries and reach new heights. Their shared values and vision drive them forward, as they combine their strengths to create a business that reflects their passion and dedication. With love and support for each other, they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with grace and determination. Mom and Auntie, a tag team like no other, ready to make their mark on the business world and beyond.


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