Interview with Tamika Mitchem: Balancing Motherhood, a Full-Time Job, and a New Business Venture


Today on Sweet Serenity, we're excited to share the story of Tamika Mitchem, a powerhouse mom juggling a full-time job, two teenagers deeply involved in extracurricular activities, and the launch of her new business. Tamika’s journey is one of resilience, passion, and a deep commitment to both her family and her community.

Q: Tamika, tell us a little about yourself.

Tamika: I’m a 43-year-old mom of three amazing kids: a 24-year-old son, a 17-year-old son who’s a senior in high school, and a 13-year-old daughter who’s in 8th grade. I’m also a proud grandma to a spunky 2-year-old granddaughter. My husband, Edward, and I have been together for 23 years and married for 18—we’re a strong team. Family and community are my passions, and I’m often called “your volunteer’s favorite volunteer” because I love giving back. A year ago, I started my own business, Mitchem Services, which is a business concierge focused on event management. We’re basically an extra set of hands to help small businesses, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits achieve their goals. When I’m not busy working, I love spending time with my family, traveling, sneaking in some reading, and enjoying a good brunch.

Q: What is life like being a mom with two teens?

Tamika: Life with two teens is definitely an adventure! I’m getting the best of both worlds right now—my 17-year-old son is at that age where he’s trying to assert his independence. He’s a scholar and an athlete, and while he thinks he knows everything, there’s still plenty he’s figuring out. On the other hand, my 13-year-old daughter is just starting to find her voice and navigate the rollercoaster of friendships. Who knew little girls could require so much energy? Every day brings a new challenge, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s my job to guide them through these moments, preparing them to be strong, thoughtful adults. I even enjoy the debates—especially with my 17-year-old, who’s a pretty worthy opponent. My daughter’s got a bit more growing to do before she’s ready to spar with me, but I look forward to it!

Q: How do you keep up with your busy schedule even though you work full-time and are getting your new business up and running?

Tamika: Juggling a full-time job and a new business is not easy—it’s definitely overwhelming at times. But I’m lucky to have an incredible support system. My husband has really stepped up with the kids, handling pickups, drop-offs, and all their activities. That might seem small, but with the traffic and extracurriculars, it can easily eat up 2-3 hours a day just driving them around. Having him handle that gives me the time and space I need to focus on growing the business without feeling like I’m neglecting my family. He’s been my rock, and I’m grateful every day for his support.

Q: Do you ever suffer with mom guilt? If so, how do you combat it, or cope?

Tamika: Oh, absolutely—mom guilt is real! For example, my 17-year-old son recently participated in a Beautillion. Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen circumstance at an event the day before, I got injured and couldn’t attend. Thankfully, his grandma stepped in, and everything went smoothly, but I felt that guilt. One thing I’ve done intentionally is raise my kids to be independent, so they’re capable of handling their daily needs. But I also know there are moments where only a mom will do, and I try my best to be there for those. When I can’t, I make sure to explain why, so they know it’s not just me dropping the ball. We have open and honest conversations about it, and when I do get the chance to be fully present, we go all out and make the most of our time together—no holds barred! It’s all about finding balance and keeping communication open.

Q: With your experience being a mom, how do you use that to give back to the community?

Tamika: Growing up, I always had this desire to serve others and make sure everyone around me was okay. That only grew stronger when I became a mom. I just want to see everyone happy and thriving, and that’s the attitude I bring to my community. This is where I live and where I’m raising my family, so I’m committed to making it the best place it can be. Whether it’s helping local businesses, nonprofits, or churches, I’m there—whether it’s picking up trash, feeding the homeless, organizing care packages, or running a fundraiser. Whatever the need, I’m all in, ready to do my part.

Q: How can others get in contact with you and book with you?

Tamika: You can find me on all social media platforms as Mitchem Services, or you can visit my website at I’m just a click away!


Tamika Mitchem is truly an inspiration, showing us that with determination and a strong support system, it’s possible to balance multiple roles and pursue your dreams. Whether you’re a mom, a business owner, or both, her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and community. Be sure to reach out to Tamika for any of your business or community needs—she’s a force to be reckoned with!

Serinna Alexander

With their unique blend of skills, experience, and perspectives, they form a dynamic tag team that is ready to take on the world. Mom brings her nurturing and caring nature, while Auntie adds her creativity and boldness to the mix. Together, they make a formidable pair, inspiring each other to push boundaries and reach new heights. Their shared values and vision drive them forward, as they combine their strengths to create a business that reflects their passion and dedication. With love and support for each other, they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with grace and determination. Mom and Auntie, a tag team like no other, ready to make their mark on the business world and beyond.

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